I’m guessing you’re someone who is keen to experience all the world has to offer. You want to see and do it all. Excited by the idea of creating a life that not only looks good, but feels freaking amazing. If yes, then you’re exactly where you need to be.

Let’s do this!

Ash x

Hi there!

Ash Cam Coaching Australia


I’m Ash, 

Founder of Reset Retreats & Reset Workplace.

If I look familiar it could be from passing me on my morning walks in Mermaid Beach.

Or perhaps it was on TikTok or in the DailyMail.

I’ve gone viral a few times for sharing how fun life can be in your 30s, my hardcore habits for better sleep and (to everyone’s surprise) my experience eating different salads across Europe.

As someone who has lead teams, scaled businesses, launched products and worked across 12 different countries - I am no stranger to how exhilarating the fast-paced business world can be.


I’m also a little too familiar with burnout and how easy it is to put your mental and physical health on the bottom of the priority list.

In 2022 I’d had enough.

I quit my corporate life and booked a one way ticket from London to Australia.

These days (after living out my own eat pray love montage) I help high performing individuals and corporate teams to avoid burning out before they have a chance to shine.

My job is pretty incredible and I get to work with people from all over the world.

Helping them to discover, consciously design and start living a life that not only looks good on the outside, but FEELS AMAZING on the inside.

Sound like something you’re also searching for?

Then you’re in the right place.

I’m on a mission to share the knowledge, tools and tips I wish I knew 15 years ago.

I’m ready if you are!

Ash x

To learn more about Reset Workplace, Retreats & My Programs click here.

What People Are Saying

“Ash is the person you need on your team when you are going through a major life change or transformation. I was feeling extremely vulnerable and overwhelmed but she created a safe space for me to explore the hard stuff. She supported me to see things from a different perspective and reframe my thinking. She didn’t shy away from asking me challenging questions but with her support I was able to make some life changing decisions. I left my career that was no longer fulfilling to pursue a totally new path that I now love. I highly recommend working with Ash”

— Abby, Australia

“Ash coached me when I was going through a major transition in my life and found myself stuck and unable to move forward. I was overwhelmed and needed help on what to do next to get to where I wanted to be. 

It was one of the best decisions I made! Ash was kind, supportive & professional. She asked powerful questions I never asked myself before and helped me gain clarity on what was important to me and my “why” for starting my business. We did an amazing visualisation / meditation at the start which made me feel motivated and empowered. 

I came out of the session with a clear action plan on what to do next and Ash was a great accountability partner and followed up with a summary of what we discussed and loads of helpful resources she is a great cheerleader and helped me see all the skills that I had already accumulated in my life to keep going with my dreams. I felt confident going into the next step of my career! you should definitely sign up for coaching with Ash.”  

— Eadair, Melbourne

“I went to Ash Cam’s Reset Retreat in the Gold Coast and absolutely loved it. I was really surprised about how quickly I felt comfortable, being that I was attending on my own. It was such a supportive and fun environment where I got meet other like-minded people that were also there to relax and reset from their busy lives. Everything about this day was amazing ~ The food, the company, the location as well as the coaching activities and mindfulness practices I got to learn whilst there. I not only received the reset that I needed but I also build long term skills that I have been able to implement in my day-to-day life which has enhanced my ability to get clarity on where I am in my life, where I want to go and how I can get there.  

It truly is more than a reset retreat and I would highly recommend this to anyone.”

— Madi, Gold Coast

“I met Ash a few years back and always thought she had such a beautiful energy.

I was well in need of a a day to escape the mundane drag of life. To calm down my nervous system and ground myself.

The retreat was perfect for this. It reminded me of the tools that we all have access to but are easily forgotten about aswell as introducing me to some new ones. Its so incredibly important that we each take a day out sometimes, reflect and reset. I drove away with a whole sence of new calm and it reminded me to stop and enjoy the simple things.”

— Chantelle, Australia

“My coaching sessions were immensely beneficial for me in a time of great change. As my maternity leave was coming to a close and my priorities had shifted after having my first child, I was having a hard time figuring out my next step in my career. Our weekly sessions helped me to decide what my core work values and priorities are, how to take the next step in my career and gave me the confidence to take big career leaps that I don’t think I would have had without Ashlee. The accountability of our weekly sessions was very helpful to keep momentum and her guidance helped me focus on what was truly important in a chaotic time. I’m so grateful for Ashlee’s help ”

— Kristina, Canada

“I am immensely thankful for the opportunity to work alongside Ash during our coaching sessions. Before this experience, I underestimated the profound impact a coach could have on both my personal and business mindset. Throughout the five weeks I spent with Ash, I felt a newfound sense of openness and creativity that surpassed anything I had previously experienced. Ash provided me with thought-provoking questions that enabled me to instigate significant changes for both myself and my business. She not only offered guidance but also steered and supported my thoughts toward achieving my goals.

Through this coaching journey, I gained a clearer understanding of my business direction, learned better approaches to planning, and developed the ability to confront challenging questions regarding tasks that needed completion. This process has significantly boosted my confidence in my capabilities to advance and take my endeavours to the next level.

I wholeheartedly recommend Ash's coaching services to my friends, family, colleagues, and clients. Her expertise is truly exceptional, and I firmly believe she excels in her craft. Ash, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to you. I couldn't have made these strides without your invaluable support and guidance”

— Madi, Burleigh Heads

"Ash is real, kind, caring and warm, and I’m always amazed by her positivity - her energy really is contagious! She always has time for me and she’s the person I go to when I need a grounded perspective and a boost of confidence. Her approach is curious, open, encouraging and non-judgmental. I know she’s always in my corner and wants me to live my best life, and that is a true gift."

— Lily, New York

“One of the most amazing days! I was well overdue for a reset and some down time and the Reset Retreat gave me that and so so much more! The way Ash had carefully curated every detail to make each and every one of us girls have the most beautiful and relaxing day was truly amazing! Being able to enjoy the day surrounded by another amazing women was inspiring and so special.

I love that Ash has created a space for busy women to gather and ensure they take time to reset and relax…something we often forget to do!

I couldn’t recommend these retreats to women highly enough, everything was done PERFECTLY! Ash is so passionate about what she does and it was so evident throughout this retreat. I can’t wait for the next one!!”

— Maddy, Australia

“The Reset retreat was the perfect opportunity for me to take a much-needed break and recharge. The entire day was thoughtfully organized, encompassing yoga sessions, insightful workshops that prompted self-reflection, and a beautiful long lunch created by local chefs.

The location was stunning and all of the other women were so lovely. I can’t wait to attend another one.”

— Anita, Sunshine Coast

“It was my first time working with a coach and I couldn’t even imagine how much it can help me. After every session I felt so good and inspired to go on my day and do the things we talked about. Now looking back and seeing the topics and the actions summarised makes me emotional. Ashlee’s coaching helped me a lot. I’m so grateful for this experience.”

— Solmaz, Türkiye

“My coaching experience with Ashlee has been incredibly eye opening and encouraging. The sessions came at the perfect time as my second week of sessions followed a tough week with a client. Ash was able to ask insightful questions in a way that has taught me how to reflect on situations with perspective, something I never really quite understood how to do before our sessions. I feel more confident, more equipped and more self aware following our coaching calls and this is a huge testament to Ashlee’s gift of communication, her wisdom, kindness and overall knowledge in the space”

— Brooke, Australia

“Ash has been part of my personal advisory board and a go-to consultant for years. From my biggest career moves to smaller personal shifts, I trust she’ll challenge me to think about it from every angle and dig deep. Her approach has helped me grow immensely, even when it might feel outside my comfort zone at first. I’m tempted to gate-keep her talents, but that would be doing the world a real disservice. If you want to do the work and see real progress, Ash is the one for you.”

— Ishtar, London

“Thank you Ash Cam for an inspirational day. I always thought about doing a retreat but a little unknown of expectations so the 1 day was a great start!

I was happily surprised and found the day of great value. What a beautiful view we had at the Carool AirBnB (really nice layout from yoga mat to grass to picnic lunch to poolside) - everyone has been asking all about it! From learning something new to unwinding and opening the mind at Ash’s Reset Retreat the day included a delicious Long Lunch thanks to @bspencer.catering with locally sourced produce and @jivaproducts refreshments and picnic set up by Kat. Vanessa thank you for Yin Yoga you've inspired me to find a sound bath and Susie for connecting to nature with Qigong

Value for money and would love to join a weekend retreat next!!.”

— Kate, Brisbane

“The perfect escape from a busy world and time to just simply be. Ash was so welcoming and planned such a beautiful and calming day for us all filled with meaningful connection and relaxation. Not only did I learn about the incredible women around me, I also learnt more about myself. An incredible day to relax, reflect and reset. ”

— Lara, Brisbane