Ash Cam Coach Life Career About

Hi, I’m Ash

Of the 1.5billion websites on the internet I’m humbled and thankful that you’ve chosen to visit mine.

Below is a little snapshot of my story and what sparked my passion to launch Reset Retreats + Reset Workplace. The business that shares education, tips and experiences I wish I had 15 years ago.

Thank you for being here.

Ash x

About Ash

Hi! I’m Ash, 

Founder of Reset Workplace and the Reset Retreats.

As someone who has lead teams, scaled businesses, launched products and worked across 12 different countries - I am no stranger to how exhilarating the fast-paced business world can be.


I’m also a little too familiar with burnout and how easy it is to put your mental and physical health on the bottom of the priority list.

In 2022 I’d had enough.

I resigned from my role as Head of Marketing, UK & Europe for a global brand.  

A job that younger me (a girl from a small rural town in Australia) had dreamed of and worked freaking hard to get.  

I knew how to work hard.

I knew how to self-medicate in the typical millennial way with big boozy nights, retail therapy, booking trips and living a life that looked pretty damn good on the outside.

But I glorified being ridiculously busy, skipping sleep and living on coffee.

I had no idea what a calm nervous system felt like.

No idea how to strategically use movement and mindfulness to enhance my performance.

An no idea that sleep, eating well and hitting pause could actually make me more productive (and fulfilled).  

So I quit my job and packed my apartment into boxes.

If this was a movie now you’d see a montage of what came next. My own mini ‘eat pray love’ adventure:

(travelling, immersing myself into the world of yoga, qigong, sound healing, painting, dance, breath-work, meditation, rainforest baths, blue mind theory, stand up paddle boarding with dolphins, ice baths, saunas, reiki and waterfall walks. learning everything I could about positive and strengths psychology. Studying coaching, mindfulness and burnout)

It took me about 6 months but I found myself again, moved into a new beachside home and built a community of incredible people along the way.

These days, I’m on a mission to ensure high achievers don’t burnout before they have a chance to shine.

At Reset, my team and I help leaders and their teams to hit pause. Hosting Retreats, Workshops, Coaching and Events to bring science-backed wellness into the workplace.

Sharing education, simple tools and actionable tips that I wish I knew 15 years ago.  

Thank you for being here.

Ash x

To learn more about how we could help you or your team to Reset CLICK HERE

To come and say hi on Instagram, TikTok or LinkedIn.

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